
such as water Learn more about such as water

  • Maintenance and management of potted flowers in autumn

    Maintenance and management of potted flowers in autumn

    As everything begins to wither in autumn, the conservation of potted flowers needs to be more careful in autumn, so that potted flowers can survive the winter safely. So how to manage potted flowers in autumn?

  • What are the two kinds of flowers belonging to the same genus as pineapple

    What are the two kinds of flowers belonging to the same genus as pineapple

    1. Round leaf pineapple (Q.cocczneaMoench). Also known as orange red pineapple. Annual twining herbs, up to 4 meters long. Leaves alternate, ovate, entire, apex acute or acute, base cordate, petiole as long as leaf blade. Cymes axillary, with 3. 6 flowers. Corolla high foot dish shape

  • Learn the seed planting method of Cymbidium and watch the flowers at home

    Learn the seed planting method of Cymbidium and watch the flowers at home

    Although the gentleman orchid blossoms without other fragrance, the color of the flowers is not particularly gorgeous. But it is because its noble and noble temperament is sought after by many flower lovers, some people very much hope to cultivate their own gentleman orchid, but do not know what method to use.

  • How to maintain flowers in White Dew's season

    How to maintain flowers in White Dew's season

    In autumn, we should start to control the amount of water for flowers and plants and stop fertilizing, so as to avoid rotting roots and causing branches and leaves to grow and affect overwintering. Except this should be put in a sunny place.

  • Introduction to the complete Collection of Flower varieties

    Introduction to the complete Collection of Flower varieties

    There are a wide range of flowers, including not only flowering plants, but also moss and ferns. Its cultivation and application methods are also varied. According to the life form and ecological habits of flowers and plants, there are many varieties of flowers. The following editor will introduce them.

    2020-11-27 Flowers varieties Daquan introductions flowers species many range
  • Application of rice panning water in the maintenance of flowers and plants

    Application of rice panning water in the maintenance of flowers and plants

    In the process of raising flowers and plants, fertilization is a more important step, and organic fertilizer has a very good effect on flowers and plants. Amoy rice water is common as organic fertilizer, but how to use it correctly in the maintenance of flowers and plants?

  • Essential points for the maintenance of green plants at home

    Essential points for the maintenance of green plants at home

    Many people know that potted plants absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen under photosynthesis during the day, while in the absence of light at night, they absorb oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, which will also cause some pollution to some extent. And the plants in many flower shops are not suitable to be placed in the more confined indoor space.

  • Several problems that should be paid attention to in field crop management such as single cropping rice

    Several problems that should be paid attention to in field crop management such as single cropping rice

    In the past week, the weather continues to be high temperature and strong light, the field evaporation is very large, part of Tiantian has appeared water shortage and drought. In the management of field crops such as single-cropping rice, we should pay attention to the following problems: 1. Medicine for disease prevention and pest control should be chosen in the morning and evening, and sufficient water should be used. At present, it is the suitable period for the control of leaf rollers and rice planthoppers in the fourth (2) generation of single cropping rice. when selecting corresponding pesticides for control, it is best to choose before 8 o'clock in the morning or after 5 o'clock in the evening to avoid the period of high temperature and strong light as far as possible. and use enough.

  • Culture Management of potted Flowers in Autumn

    Culture Management of potted Flowers in Autumn

    Culture Management of potted Flowers in Autumn

  • The planting method of ginger lotus prefer yin or yang

    The planting method of ginger lotus prefer yin or yang

    Ginger lotus, this is a kind of plant, this ginger lotus blossoms is still quite good-looking, what is the planting method of this ginger lotus? Whether the turmeric lotus likes yin or yang: it belongs to the genus Curcuma of Zingiberaceae and is a perennial herbaceous tropical bulbous flower. Because the pink bracts resemble the lotus and belong to Zingiberaceae

  • How to maintain indoor flowers

    How to maintain indoor flowers

    How to maintain indoor flowers

  • How to keep flowers warm in winter

    How to keep flowers warm in winter

    At present, most families with courtyards like to plant grass and raise flowers in the courtyards. Some flower varieties introduced from the south have poor cold resistance and most of them need to be cold in winter. Generally speaking, the grass flowers, perennial flowers and some seedlings cultivated in the open field have strong adaptability, such as chrysanthemum, violet, peony, rose, etc.

  • What are the medicinal effects of the seed planting methods of crape myrtle

    What are the medicinal effects of the seed planting methods of crape myrtle

    Crape myrtle, which is also a kind of planting method, is known to many people, so what is the seed planting method of crape myrtle? What are the medicinal effects: crape myrtle seed planting method: choose the Lignified seedlings to be transplanted into the field, and apply sufficient base fertilizer in the hole before planting.

  • Characteristics of herbaceous plants differences between herbaceous plants

    Characteristics of herbaceous plants differences between herbaceous plants

    Characteristics of herbaceous plants differences between herbaceous plants

  • How to manage flowers overwintering?

    How to manage flowers overwintering?

    How to manage flowers overwintering?

  • When do plum blossom trees usually lose their leaves? When will it blossom, bear fruit and grow new leaves? What are the main ornamental varieties and locations?

    When do plum blossom trees usually lose their leaves? When will it blossom, bear fruit and grow new leaves? What are the main ornamental varieties and locations?

    Plum blossoms usually blossom in winter and spring and bear fruit from May to June (the fruit period in North China extends to July-August). They fall leaves in autumn and sprout and grow new leaves in spring. The varieties of plum can be divided into fruit plum and flower plum, the main ornamental is flower plum, flower plum can be divided into straight plum and Zhaoshui.

    2020-11-09 Plum blossom tree general what month fallen leaves when will blossom
  • What if the leaves of water lilies turn yellow and black? learn 6 tricks to solve easily / too little water and too much fat.

    What if the leaves of water lilies turn yellow and black? learn 6 tricks to solve easily / too little water and too much fat.

    As a beautiful flower, water lilies are often potted at home by flower friends, and the beauty of flowering is really unforgettable. However, in the process of breeding, water lilies will have great problems due to various reasons, such as the leaves of water lilies turn yellow, the leaves of water lilies turn black, and what about the leaves of water lilies that turn yellow and turn black?

  • Enjoy the bonsai modeling pictures of bamboo and cypress!

    Enjoy the bonsai modeling pictures of bamboo and cypress!

    The bonsai picture of bamboo and cypress can be seen here. Friends who like it can raise a pot of bamboo and cypress at home. Try to make a beautiful bonsai for it.

  • Water Conditions for Flower Culture

    Water Conditions for Flower Culture

    Water is an important raw material for photosynthesis of flowers. Nutrients in soil can only be absorbed and utilized by flowers when dissolved in water; flowers rely on transpiration of leaves to regulate their own body temperature, which is mainly the function of water. Therefore, flowers cannot survive without water.

  • Cultivation and maintenance techniques of cyclamen and poinsettia in winter

    Cultivation and maintenance techniques of cyclamen and poinsettia in winter

    Cyclamen and poinsettia are one of the common flowers in our life, and because cyclamen and poinsettia are very colorful, they are loved by the majority of flower friends. So today, the editor will briefly talk about the cultivation techniques and maintenance techniques of cyclamen and poinsettia in winter. I hope it can be helpful to everyone.
